
35 Orville drive ste 1, bohemia, ny 11716-2533, USA

Since inception in 2009, ReliaCoat Technologies has been awarded with several SBIR/STTR phase I and phase II programs, including from USAF, US Navy, US Army, DARPA and NASA. These SBIR/STTR programs provide valuable support to ReliaCoat Technologies in development of advanced thermal spray processing and coating deposition dynamic sensor systems that address industry-relevant issues in process and coating reproducibility and reliability.

Concurrently, ReliaCoat Technologies is also engaged in technology services and consulting to promote thermal spray process and coating monitoring for small and medium spray shops as well as to develop new applications for thermal spray coating using the advanced tools and know-how.

ReliaCoat Technologies, LLC was founded in 2009 with an express intent to bring advanced process and coating property sensors, software tools and technology services to the thermal spray coating industry. ReliaCoat Technologies (RCT) is a spin-off from the Stony Brook University Center for Thermal Spray Research (CTSR), home to breakthrough advances in thermal spray science and technology.


ReliaCoat Technologies currently in operation in East Setauket, New York, USA. ReliaCoat Technologies officers and employees have attained expert knowledge in state-of-the-art thermal spray process science and coating analytical  characterization methodologies via closely associated to CTSR's academic advancements in the field of thermal spray technology.


ReliaCoat Technologies goal is to take advanced scientific information developed by academia and build operator/user friendly instrumentation, analytical and software tools to enhance thermal spray industries products, processes and applications.

our missioN
